Michaela 1Michaela Whaites

Michaela Whaites is a very passionate and motivated young lady whose favourite subjects in high school were physical science and accounting. Outside on the sports field she always enjoyed playing netball and was just as determined to give her best as inside the class room. Entering the Born in Africa program in grade 11, Michaela knew already that accounting was her passion in life and that’s what she wanted to study! She is a very committed young lady who did very well in her 1- year Higher certificate in Commerce- Accounting, which was a stepping stone for her to pursue a bachelor’s in commerce. She started studying a Bachelor's of Commerce in 2020 at Varsity College in Port Elizabeth. 
In 2023, Michaela completed her studies successfully and wrote these inspiring words of thanks;

"So this week ended with me saying in the most humblest way that the tassel was worth the hassle!. The 04th of May was a proud moment for me as I wrote my name as one of the first graduates on my family tree. Not only did I become the representation of a dream realised, I also fulfilled a promise made to my late grandmother who upon her death made me promise to put my education first. As I walked over that stage and our head of department called out my name and that I passed with a distinction, my heart was full and everyone that dared to give me a chance flashed before my eyes. This moment, this promise fulfilled could not materialise was it not for the support of the BIA team and all my godparents. Your compassion was my saving grace . It took me out of my circumstances and showed me a new way of living and for this I will always be grateful. Thank you for giving me a chance to forge a new path."

Another beautifully written letter of thanks by Michaela can be read here: Letter to my godparents

Micheala developed a keen interest and talent in drama while studying too. That translated into a play which she wrote herself. Religion is prominent in it, as this was important for young Micheala who had to deal with some challenging situations in her childhood and teenage years. After her graduation, she taught Born in Africa learners in New Horizons how to speak confidently in front of others through her drama. This is her way of giving back to BIA and her community. Enjoy...