29 August 2012 - Cycling for BIA brings aid to our children

Nele Schroyen has been chosen as the BIA hero of the month as she and her two comrades just completed a 3 day cycling tour through picturesque Belgium in aid of BIA.  They started their trip in Leuven (Belgium) and completing in Utrecht (Holland).  Her sister in Karolien Schepens had the idea to cycle to collect money for Los Cachorros (an organisation working with homeless kids in Peru where she volunteered) and Nele saw this as the perfect opportunity to do something for BIA.  Evert Arce, a Peruvian who is currently living in Belgium, also joined the sisters.  Words from Nele:  “It was a lot of fun, very nice spots on the way, relaxing... We talked to people about what we were doing and about the organisations, so we also spread the word a bit.  I think it's amazing that people were so willing to sponsor us.

It just goes to show that a small idea can create awareness for BIA and better futures for our young folk.  Well done you guys!