Meet Our Volunteers

The success Born In Africa has enjoyed so far is only possible thanks to our wonderful volunteers and the work that they are doing. As a volunteer in South Africa, you will be given the opportunity to help our children in the schools and offer administrative assistance in our office. Thanks to you, the BIA children will be given a better education, which will lead to better future opportunities.

Become a volunteer

I give permission to Born in Africa to use my personal details within the guidelines of the BIA Privacy Policy

If you’re interested in contributing to our organisation or would like more information, please fill in the application form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Born in Africa would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to all our volunteers for their commitment (and time) in aiding the BIA team in South-Africa. Their support is an integral component of our organization!


Our volunteers of 2024

2024: Yenthé Beel, Sandy Frisch, Vincent Goupille

sandyfwebSandy Frisch
Belgian volunteer January- May 2024

I'm Sandy, I have a Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy and I wanted to support less privileged children, which led me to Born in Africa. The working way of Born in Africa was appealing to me, and now I'm here in The Crags township, diving into mornings filled with math and English support for the children. After school, it's time for fun activities! Two months down the line, and I finally know all the names and I'm feeling the love from every single child. Helping out here is just awesome!

VGwebMedium2Vincent Goupille
French volunteer March- April 2024

Hello, my name is Vincent, I come from France and I joined Born in Africa the 3rd of March. I am helping in Kranshoek school and Craggs School for children in Grade 1 to 3 for English or math lessons. Every afternoon, I organize activities for kids, especially sport time. I also participated on the camps. I learned a lot thanks to the kids and the staff at Born in Africa. I am enjoying every moment of my experience

webMedium2Yenthé Beel
Belgian intern, January until May 2023 & January until May 2024

Hi, I’m Yenthé! I work at the schools Formosa Primary and the Crags Primary. This is my second time at Born in Africa and I can’t get enough of working with the children! I came back to South Africa, because I could feel my story wasn’t finished yet here, and I missed the kids too much to stay away. This year I do several projects with the children, like making tutorials and teach them about ‘Life in the water’. I’m very grateful to Born in Africa for this opportunity!

webLiselot SmallLiselot Van Nieuwenhuyze
Belgian volunteer, January 2023 till June 2023

Hey, I'm Liselot Van Nieuwehuyze I made a comeback this year. I did my internship here in 2022 and decided to return without all the school work. I'm staying in Plettenberg for six months this time. Like last year, I' m at The Crags. There I give the best of myself every day, together with Nina. Together we get to work with the children of Grade 1, 2 and 3 to support them with subjects like English and Maths. Reading and writing are also definitely practised. After her first 4 months at Born in Africa, this is how Liselot looked back on her internship:

webmathisseMathisse Noelmans
Belgian intern, February 2022 till June 2022

Hey everybody, I’m Mathisse Noelmans, a 22 year-old student in Social Work at PXL in Hasselt, Belgium. I hail from Tongeren and chose to do my internship abroad, because it drew my attention ever since the first year of my studies. I will do my practical for 4 months with Born in Africa and work at the school of Kranshoek and Born in Africa’s educational centre in the community. In the mornings, I offer support to the youngest learners at school and in the afternoons, I work with the children of Born in Africa at the Educational Centre. So far, I love everything about working with Born in Africa and I’m looking forward to learn from the team and kids here!

At the end of my internship, this is how I looked back on my time at Born in Africa;

webSimon Krause
German volunteer, January till June 2022

Guten Tag, I am Simon Krause, 18 years old from Stuttgart, Germany. I am currently in a gap year between my high school graduation last summer and the start of my studies, presumably in computer science or mechanical engineering, this September. I’ve joined BIA this February and after a month in Kranshoek, I am now helping in the Wittedrift Primary School. In the afternoon I help at the centers in Wittedrift and Kranshoek, go surfing with the kids and try to introduce them to my passion of computer science by teaching them programming. Travelling to a different continent all alone has definitely come with a few challenges; however, the time here has been tremendously valuable and eye-opening. I am very excited for what the next months have in store!

Have a look at how Simon looks back after volunteering for nearly 5 months at Born in Africa:


Pauline Maelfait
Belgian intern, 2022

Pauline had a very diverse program during her internship at BIA, have a look;

IMG 1209Amber Wittouck
Belgian volunteer, October 2021 until March 2022

Hello! My name is Amber Wittouck. I’m 23 years old and I’m a qualified occupational therapist, specialised in the care of children. In 2019 I already volunteered with Born in Africa, but had to return home early due to COVID. As soon as I got the opportunity to come to South Africa, I grabbed it with both hands, and it feels so good to be back! Back at the schools, with the kids and mentors and to be a part of the Born in Africa team again. This adventure enables me to evolve further, both on a personal and a professional level. A lot has changed since COVID, but we continue to work hard to guarantee the wellbeing of the kids and give them a good time at school. Seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces makes everything worth while!

Have a listen to a podcast by Amber and Adelheid (volunteer in 2021) about their experience as a volunteer at Born in Africa. (In Dutch only)

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Testimonies volunteers

Have a look at how previous volunteers experienced their stay and work at Born in Africa.

Our volunteers of the past years

2023: Berenice Chabanel, Marie Dufour, Yenthe Beel, Nina Van Acoleyen, Liselot Van Nieuwenhuyze, Jara Vercauteren, Jits Van Damme, Hanna Tiedemann, Aniek Cirkel, Faustine Debus, Lumir De la Ville de Beaugé, Lien Van Ham, Cate Dodkin, Paola Von Wachter, Konstantin Kutzner, Jens Cobussen, Alcide Paget

2022: Amber Wittouck, Diete Lezy, Simon Krause, Mathisse Noelmans, Liselot Van Nieuwenhuyze, Pauline Maelfait, Logan Jooste, Marshalle Jonkerman, Limke Hendrickx, Chiara Furfari, Mia Wiesmann, Evi Van Poucke and Inte Christiaensen

2021: Amber Wittouck, Adelheid Logghe, Beatrice Verga, Diete Lezy

2020: Amber Wittouck, Franziska Karrenbrock, Selina Billet, Julie Vandeput, Diete Lezy, Shauni Dekeyzer, Steffie Van Cauwenberghe

2019: Olivia Martin, Dominik Geissler, Amelie Gensel, Sofie Segers, Hannah Van Caneghem, Femke Gerlo, Ulrike Vlemincx, Sina Rilling, Karen Poelman, Bodi Janssen, Nicole Catteeuw, Olivier Dhoore, Kristel Vandenschrieck, Robbin Huijers, Amber De Voecht, Hanne Valcke, Lara Van Parijs, Lisa Heubach, Ulrike Verhulst and Jonas De Nyn

2018: Demi Mullie, Laurien Namotte, Justine Peten, Melissa Hauser, Pia Gackstatter, Lilianne Van Acker, Wouter Quintens, Julie Stroobants, Anna Vollmer, Janne Gebruers, Raïssa Van Peer, Freya Weverbergh, Robbin Huijers and Marie König

2017: Sepke Stellamans, Julia Benner, Britt Goris, Lindsey Brans, Veronique Claes, Sofie Synnesael, Michele Kouws, Roxanne Caumette, Hilke Declercq, Lisa De Vos

2016: Sophie Albrecht, Jan Lorent, Marlies Augustijns, Jolien Meyssen, Jill Vanhamel, Nele Leen, Sofie Vanden Broeck, Eline Raedschelders, Job Heijnen, Taoufik Grich, Emma Reynaert, Emma Irvine

2015: Juliet Desmet, Wiebke Dorfs, Rien Claes, Frania Czekaj, Sander van den Broeck, Kilian Peire, Babette Lievens, Emeline Halleux, Laura van Ingelgom, Emma Ervine.

2014: Lore Kriekemans, Loesje Dhelft, Jolien Nijs, Virginie Boucquey, Tine Claes, Kim Carnoy, Sarah Rogiers, Veronique Claes.

2013: Rob Frans, Veronique Claes, Bart Timmermans, Karen Schaefer, Tessy Willems, Dorien van den Broeck, Dirk Verlinden, Joenah Malot, Talitha Delaere, Sara de Vleeschouwer, Lorri Sanfilippo, Charlene van Loock, Alexandra Rondas, Caroline van Mello.

2012: Caro Van der Schueren, Jasper Lauwyck, Rob Johnston, Els Casteleyn, Lotte Van Buyten, Ann Gruwier, Miet Verstraete, Gilles De Baere, Elke De Hertogh, Siyasanga Tenge, Rob Frans, Véronique Claes, Sandy Graiy, Bart Timmermans, Karen Schaefer

2011: Nele Schroyen, Sarah De Keukeleere, Anne Mertens, Katrien Vandamme, Lotte Van Buyten, Lena Schuler, Marianne Dhyon, Anne Cobussen

2010: Charlotte Houthoofd, Jozefien Heyte, Wendy Neyrinck, Lot Fonteyne, Griet Jans, Fien De Greef, Kathleen Buffels, Karl Leenknegt, Christina Jaschinski, Hayley Bicknell, Anne Overlaet, Valerie Vancoppenolle, Charlotte Van Hoorebeke, Ben Daems, Sharon Willems

2009: Serena Tufo, Hannah Baets, Anneleen De Smet, Dietlinde Oppalfens, Eric Reyntjens, Sarah Biesemans, Hanne Bossuyt, Tamara Goethals, Julia Michel, Saskia Kuliga, Anika Kirchner, Kristien Seghers, Lotte Van Buyten, Charlotte Mbuyi, Jo Schellen, Leentje Eeckhout, Jorgi van Hoof, Elke De Hertogh, Gerlinde De Boodt, Joke Gils, Lieve Poppe

2008: Krista Vleeschouwers, Mireille Vanhoutryve, Elena Hage, Inge Mommaerts, Kathleen Hufkens, Patrick van Herp, Veerle De Roeck, Fiona Klomp, Katrien Verhoogen, Laura Vereecken, Dianne Dijkstra, Iris Vande Velde

2007: Pieter-Alexander Van Aken, Jan Boone, Joke Goedweeck, Sarah Vleugels, Liesbeth Van de Velde, Evi Uylenbroeck, Els Van der Haegen, Pieter Thys, Marc Schooneman, Nienke Van Geesbergen, Erik Elderman, Jana Govaerts

2006: Anke Decabooter, Elke IJzerman, Greet Van Dooren, Marjan Klingels, Seppe Declerq, Sylvie Morel, Yo Breynaert, Lut Vergauwen, Irène Franck, Sahin Toch, Céline Van de Weghe, Jeroen Vercruysse, Katleen Noels, Sascha Reunes, Bianca Hagen, Katrien Mostmans, Nathalie Jochems

2005: Hans Antonise, Inge Van Ammel, Pieter Story, Joke Smissaert, Pauline Nsanze, Elke IJzerman, Katrien Keppens, Katrien Piesens, Nina Hollanders, Doenja Goudsmedt, Inez de gryze, Joke Donderwolcke, Leen Boeykens

2004: Anneke Gerbrands, Karin Haeverans, Trientsje Van de Meer, Willemien Hoogerwaard, Yvette Westhoff, Barbara Vandenbroucke, Bart Van cauwenbergh, Dagmar Zwebe, Marije van den Hove

2003: Tiene Moenaert, Stijn Ingelaere, Sofie Wieërs, Lieve Platteau, Peter Peusens, Guy Capals, Joke Sweygers, Tim Steenwegen, Catherine Antoine, Patricia van der Beek, Steven Sergeant