Where we work
Born in Africa operates in six different townships around Plettenberg Bay in the Western Cape Province of South Africa: The Crags, Wittedrift, Kranshoek, New Horizons, Kwanokuthula and Harkerville. We also work with Wittedrift High School and “Plett Secondary“, two high schools in Plettenberg Bay itself. We also contribute to smaller projects elsewhere in the Bitou Local Municipality District.
We work in these areas because of the social issues that still strangle the townships which were established in Apartheid times (1948- 1994). Every day we are confronted with the poverty children live in due to parents being unemployed or earning a very low income. This poverty brings along other problems such as health issues, little to no support for academic work at home, children being abused emotionally and physically, rape, alcohol and drug abuse, which result in a generally negative outlook on the future and a high drop out rate in high school.
Born in Africa's 3-fold strategy answers the children's and families' needs on different levels. Find out how our work supports the children who grow up in the different townships around Plettenberg Bay.