Tax certificates (Belgium) and ANBI- status (the Netherlands)
Born in Africa is registered in Belgium since 2008 to give tax certificates for donations made into the BIA- Belgium account. Private persons or companies with a Company registration number can donate and benefit from the tax certificate. A certificate can be handed out for donations of 40 euros and more. Citizens of The Netherlands can receive a tax deduction since we acquired the ANBI status as well!
Born in Africa is now granted an extension to hand out tax certificates in Belgium till 2027! Until then we are sure we will be registered to hand out tax certificates! Godparents in Belgium receive a tax certificate annually.
In the Netherlands, we acquired the ANBI- status in January 2017, which makes it possible for private persons and businesses to receive a tax benefit annually. In the structure of this system, there is, however, a difference between a once- off donation and periodic donations (like godparents do). To receive a tax benefit for a once-off donation, the amount of the donation should be bigger than 1% of the personal total annual income.
A full tax deduction is possible for periodic gifts if the applicant commits to making periodic gifts over a minimum period of 5 years. The tax benefit for periodic gifts can be requested by filling in the form for the tax institution.
UK donors can also elect to enable Gift Aid to benefit their donations in the UK!
Born in Africa commits itself to communicate in a transparent way about how we work in the disadvantaged areas around Plettenberg Bay. We can make the promise that all donations are used directly for the godchildren and students in the BIA- program, as we only have 3% personal working costs.
All board members and volunteers work without pay.
Everything we do daily in South Africa is reflected in following documents
Activity overview
2018: Year report BorninAfrica SA Overview
and Year report Born in Africa Belgium
2019: Year report Born in Africa SA Overview
Overview activities Born in Africa
2020: Year report Born in Africa SA
Year report Born in Africa Belgium
2021: Year report Born in Africa SA
Year report Born in Africa Belgium
2022: Year report Born in Africa SA
Year report Born in Africa Belgium
Financial information
2018: Budget BIA SA - Balance sheet BIA Belgium
2019: Budget BIA SA - Balance sheet BIA Belgium
2020: Budget BIA SA - Balance sheet BIA Belgium
Financial statement BIA Belgium
2021: Balance sheet BIA Belgium
Financial Statement BIA Belgium
2022: Budget BIA SA - Balance sheet BIA Belgium
2023: Budget BIA SA - Balance sheet BIA Belgium
2024: Budget BIA SA
Financial information can be checked on